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by neene on September 7, 2008


i don't know why these are coming in so late
i started the seeds along with the tomatoes
but they didn't take very well
and so
it is just now
with the diminshing sun,
that these are starting to come

this plant isn't even in the ground,
it was one of the ones that i rescued from the scragglers
in fact
it's sharing its pot with a pepper

the vines that are in the garden are going crazy
with leaves the size of dinner plates
trying to rival the tomatoes
but without the summer sun
i am skeptical about how many eggplants i'll get
©2004-16 nina meledandri
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TheSe aRe aLwaYs sO PreTTy GroWinG...BuT thEy taKe sO muCh "cooKinG" to maKe taSte gooD...
YoU inspire me with thiS PiC--
MaYbe neXt YeaR. i'LL groW sOMe
(something to LiVe foR)
bin_dada - Sep 08, 2008

love eggplant

museu - Sep 09, 2008

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