
what is?

daily bread
main image
brighton rectangles...outside
by neene on October 12, 2008


it might be brighton
but it's still brooklyn
which means the ubiquitous ice cream truck
with its annoying jingle
(which i found so quaint before i moved here)
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

MemoRieS aRe MaDe oF thiS...^^
aNd eVeN NoW wHeN i HaVe tO teLL mYSeLf-
SuGaR HiGh?
+a MiNuTe oN tHe LiPs=
=FoReVeR oN ThE HiPs.....
obdadA - Oct 13, 2008

do me a giant

so hot it became today all of a sudden
went from 17 to 35 in a day
and that onwards makes me remember
i hate summer
museu - Oct 13, 2008

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