
what is?

daily bread
main image
back into the studio
by neene on October 14, 2008


given how tired i was today
i never would have thought
that i could have come home
and gone back into the studio
but i did for a little bit

paint is just a language
to use it
you need to have something to say
something you care about deeply
i am not sure that you always have to "know" what that is;
sometimes you find it through the process,
but it does have to be there

so much of me is still buried so deep
i am still cut off
it's as if i having nothing that i need to express

but when i do connect
that sadness is still there
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

maybe it is that sadness wanting to speak up
and no, not alwas it is a mental thing

museu - Oct 15, 2008

good afternoon, dear friend...
give yourself the gift of half an hour tonight
and read this wonderful piece by Malcolm Gladwell...
bruce - Oct 15, 2008

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