
what is?

daily bread
main image
on my way to work...brooklyn
by neene on November 13, 2008


i was thinking of desaturating this a bit
but it really was this bright
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

why would you!?

pure happiness
museu - Nov 14, 2008

LooKS LiKe oNe uSed tO thinK oF aS --
"South oF tHe BordeR"
(((Although maNy otheR CounTrieS aLL oVeR tHe WorLd shaRe
ThaT/ThiS FLaiR foR VivaCiouS CoLoRs
***ANd NoW
theSe DaYS
We haVe thiS WoNDerFuL DiVerSiTy HeRe iN ouR NeighboRhOOD
HoW BLeSSeD wE aRe
tO HaVe ouR CaKe
aNd EaT iT Too..
ObdadA - Nov 14, 2008

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