
what is?

daily bread
main image
making room
by neene on November 20, 2009

i haven't been taking pictures the past few days
which means that in order to post
i need to go back in my archives
and find things that i've overlooked,
as i do so
i see so many images that i have kept
just because...
all this holding on
most certainly creates some sort of security
but what is the cost
there is a heaviness associated with it
there is a weight
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

ok==yoU goT mE thiS tiMe=
i can'T figuRe thiS oNe ouT..--(caLL mE StooPiD))
[~~iT looKs soRTa liKe oNe staiR theN/tO tHe aBYss]

oN thE otheR haNd
i waS thinkinG thE saMe thinG abouT thE saMe thinGs thiS morninG
Re: securiTy/HeavineSS/oF HoLdinG oN....
tO ThinGs....
obdada - Nov 21, 2009

probably because it looks like sculpture, and sculpture is about weight (even when there isn't none).
Luisa - Nov 23, 2009

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