
what is?

daily bread
main image
levi strauss
by neene on August 14, 2011

there's a legend in the land
that millions of us know
a legend that began in 18 5-0
'bout a guy who went west
who was 20 years old
made a pair of pants
for a dude digging gold

put rivets in the pocket
sewed double stitched seams
made 'em out of cotton
and called them blue jeans

word of what he'd done
spread quick around the house
and the diggers
kind of dug that boy
levi strauss

i believe i recited that for my senior year
poetry recitation contest
in high school...

after 3 years of e.e.cummings
that was quite a switch

i also feel like i've photo-blogged
it as a caption before....

iF thE PaNtS fiT WeaR theM
obdaDa - Aug 15, 2011

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