
what is?

daily bread
main image
tools of the trade...dry
by neene on December 21, 2011

{{ i don'T knoW whY buT mY firsT impreSSioN waS oF sOMe LonG HiddeN ArtifacTs frOM deeP WithiN aN oLd aBaNdoNed GoLD MiNe...hahhaha--i guess the brighT shinny oN thE KniFe}}
___RepreseNTs a LoT oF PaST Creativity,,,,,s__
i KNow THat ^^^
obdadA - Dec 22, 2011

BrighT shiny liKe GOLD highLighT=
sO niCe a ContrasT wiTh thE darK===
soRt oF jusT liKe LiFe
buT theN aLL yoUR PiCs aRe ThaT.....
oBdada - Dec 22, 2011

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