ThanKs foR shaRinG
iF iT weren'T foR yoU i wouLd neVer \sEE/heaR abouT theSe things...
{as i NeVeR watch thE NeWs, eTc...
[[oNe coMMenT=="WhaT a WorLd"]]]
{([oNe moRe commenT=My GoD JESUS_CHRIST :THE SON/ † \ // iS thE=Sun:
+My god(s) 'ART-and ArtisTs liKe thiS & YoU,mYDeaR, Nina,,==aRe The MooN aNd The FacT thaT thE EarTh SpiNs oN iT's waY aRouNd thE UNiVerSe)}]