
what is?

daily bread
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caught on camera
by neene on December 1, 2012


happy to have caught Martha Rosler's Meta-Monumental Garage Sale at MOMA
and happy to have snagged an item;

since i read that one is supposed to "haggle"
i did
(I never do)
it was a strange sort of exchange;
both myself & the "seller" were role playing
except that he had nothing to lose if i walked away
and his ludicrous counter offers reflected that

but i managed to get the dress down from $19 to $17.50
then at checkout
the "cashier" misheard him and was going to charge me $17
being the honest type that i am, i corrected her
and to reward me, i got away with saving the extra .50

gato_gato - Dec 03, 2012

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