
what is?

daily bread
main image
birthday promise kept
by neene on January 15, 2014

the "somewhere in between" project was called "random pairings"
some of these pairings consisted of 2 photographs,
but a few combined a random thoughts painting with a photo.
when i started taking (square) toy camera film images
i thought it would be a natural
to pair them with the random thoughts paintings;
and when i moved from the loft
knowing i would be without a studio for a while,
it seemed that a perfect project would be
to scan these toy camera films
and create more "random pairings"
above is one of the first ones
but strangely,
i didn't continue.

when i picked up this concept years later,
my vision for it was to create the pairings as physical objects:
the actual painting & a mounted photograph
but the issue was always:
how to present the photograph
so that it had the same physical "weight" as the paintings
which tend to be fairly textured
a lack of solutions to this delemma lead to my realizing this concept as inkjet prints.

but the desire to resolve my initial intent remained
and so i promised
that as a birthday present to myself
i would actually see this project through.

above is one of the pairings that i made
thank you maximo for your comment about "forcing" the square format onto a rectangular image.
even though
for the most part
i was using images that were originally a square,
you reminded me of the original pairings
that i did so many years ago
and i went back to them
and included this one.

(the quality of this photo
suffers from the high gloss surface on the photo...
see the animus post for more on the issues
associated with this whole process)

i wish i had the ability to make myself such a delicate and beautiful birthday present.........................
maximorgana - Jan 17, 2014

i´ve re-visited your random parings/somewhere in between projects and they are both so great although i stick to 'somewhere in between'.............your paintings are always so so so beautiful, so appealing, so delicate, so full of feelings, emotions and meanings.................and see them paired with your pictures (i must admit that, for me, you're one the the best photographers i've come across on the web).................that's such i never give up on your projects...............they are so good and you have so much to share......................
maximorgana - Jan 17, 2014

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