
what is?

daily bread
main image
studio elsewhere
by neene on July 31, 2016


i attended a drawing session
organized by a friend
(it was supposed to culminate
in an exhibit,
but there weren't enough participants
to make that part meaningful)

at any rate
i had a familiar experience;
i go somewhere outside the studio to work,
i hit a rough spot,
but because of the effort
that it took to get there
and because there are no other options
i just keep painting
lo and behold
9 times out of 10
a true connection is made

a good objective reminder
of how the creative process works
(1% inspiration, 99% perspiration)

for me...........the creative process is unfathomable............

i take pictures quite intinctively............just when i feel like it is mainly perspiration.......

though inspiration is also a must.............

and the balance between those two changes overnight.................
maximorgana - Aug 02, 2016

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