
what is?

daily bread
main image
harmonic convergence
by neene on June 13, 2018


for a while i called this series of photographs "still paint"
then it was "life in layers"
neither of those worked for me
they were too stilted

the series is made up of still lifes comprised of a flower photographed against a painting
and it continues my exploration of images that combine my paintings and my photographic work.

just as the flowers are in different stages of their life cycle,
so are the paintings,
but through the lens,
they come together
at a unique point in time
to create a "harmonic convergence"*

harmonic convergence: the world's first globally synchronized meditation events, which occurred on August 16–17, 1987. This event also closely coincided with an exceptional alignment of planets in the Solar System.

you know that this series -whatever you call it- is among my favourites…………..
maximorgana - Jun 14, 2018

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