
what is?

daily bread
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detail, jane's studio...1
by neene on January 10, 2020

even though it has been a week
since i visited jane’s studio
i am not sure that i have processed
what it meant to lose jane
or the effect that being amongst her work
has had on me

she was a friend,
a mentor,
a kindred spirit
(though far more adventurous than i will ever be}

i did not find out that she had died immediately
(this was 2 years ago)
so i was not able to join with family & friends
in celebrating her life

perhaps this is where the disconnect is happening;
rituals are so, so important

so soryy you were not able to have a last conversation with her...............or could not take part in her funeral.............

some rituals (for some people, in some situalions) are just crucial............some others are so unessential..............
maximorgana - Jan 11, 2020

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