
what is?

daily bread
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pussy willows...with sun
by neene on March 11, 2021


i think today
is credited with being the start of the pandemic
not the beginning of covid infections
but when it was officially acknowledged
as a global crisis

i remember going to the 54 opening,
it was very sparsely attended
for what would otherwise have been
a mad crush

g/ was super worried about going
& there were very few masks
i remember i reached out
and touched the arm
of one fabulously attired woman
to compliment her
and being aware
that i shouldn't have done that

it was the beginning...
i hope the end is
in sight

i also remember this day quite clearly..............i had an appoinment with a student's father and when we met we shook hands..........immediatily i also became aware that i should not have done it and got pretty worried........the next day it was announced that classes would be interrupted for two weeks.........we did not come back to face-to-face lessons since the state of emergency in spain was announced 13 march...................
maximorgana - Mar 12, 2021

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