
what is?

daily bread
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not what i thought
by neene on March 30, 2021


at first
i thought these were strawberries...
it had happened once before;
i got a little strawberry patch in the garden
which most likely originated
from birds eating the berries growing on the deck
and pooping out the seeds in the yard

so i dug these up
to replant in pots on the deck
(since where they are in the garden
does not get enough light
for them to fruit)
the mature leaves are almost identical
but on close inspection
the new growth formed differently from my original plants
so i googled:
"weeds that resemble strawberries"
and sure enough
there is a fake strawberry
that is a weed

omg...........the world of plants is so intriguing.............
maximorgana - Apr 01, 2021

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