
what is?

daily bread
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pulp about to become paper
by neene on October 21, 2021


after much deliberation
i have decided on a course of action:
have apple repair the machine,
& try to tough out the next couple of weeks on my old iMac

i can't use a bunch of programs with it
because i can't completely upgrade the OS
(it's too old)
but i am figuring out work arounds

i could buy a new machine
put my files on it
then return it when mine comes back
but that seems like a pain in the ass

reading you i have realised how difficult things get when we have no computer...........for me would be such a mess since 90% of my work is computer based................

i have also become aware of how many devices i have got at home: two desktop computers, two laptops, two ipads and two mobile phones.............honestly i was not aware till of the laptops is for juanjo.........the other is only for video of the ipads is for the school........the other is for home..............i use the two desktop computers on a daily basis though.............this excess must have a psychological explanation.....i am pretty sure..............
maximorgana - Oct 23, 2021

gory pulp..............
maximorgana - Oct 23, 2021

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