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i used to have these...snakeshead fritillaries
by neene on April 24, 2022


i have been searching for them
but they have not come up
i had created a circle of stones
around them
so i could find them
among the daffodils...

i also cleared away the ivy
that grew around them
and threatened to smother them

there seems
to be a hole there now...
what kind of hole you might ask
i think an enterprising rodent
took advantage of the softened soil
and made an entrance to their burrow
destroying my favorite plant

what kind of rodent you might ask
a dreaded r-a-t

since the pandemic began
they have strayed further afield
from their favorite food source: restaurants
(since they were closed for so long)
and have over run our backyards

off putting

a garden with a life of its own.................though not a very nice one...........
maximorgana - Apr 25, 2022

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