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burnt out...emotionally
by neene on January 13, 2024


while there have been many highlights these past weeks,
there have been some disappointments too
the rollercoaster of having a show, i suppose

usually i try to counteract that by having something new to embrace
but that is not the case right now...

today would have been my father's 95th birthday
so strange that someone who is such a powerful force in my life
i only knew for 23 years,
less than a third of my life
and i really only knew him as a child...
i am feeling that loss today
i wonder if anyone else is,
there are so few people left alive,
who would know that this is his birthday

strangely, g/s father, also dead, was born the same day

loss is such a strange feeling.............when we think we have learned to live along with it, it suddenly springs from the bottom of our soul and we are flooded with new feelings and emotions.........and feel overwhelmed and unable to cope..........i have only experience two great two grandmothers............i lost my parental grandmother 42 years maternal mother 34 years ago............i still remember them............actually the older i get the more i remember them..........specially my paternal mother, who passed away when i was just a teen..................
maximorgana - Jan 14, 2024

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