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the streets were empty
by neene on September 10, 2024

The vibe was REALLY different this year
and this was part of the reason:
normally there is one set of barricades
between the masqueraders (the people marching)
and the viewers
and it's a pretty fluid exchange of back and forth
kids (and adults)
constantly jumping the barrier to march & observe
this year they had 2 lines of barriers
meaning no one was going to be jumping in and out
and everyone was feeling alienated from the action
for me,
it was going to mean really shitty pictures

this kind of decided my conflicted state
parade or protest?
so I left

it turned out that this extra attempt
of imposing some sort of ""ordiliness"
didn't work
5 hours later
in practically this very spot
5 people were shot
1 died
the gunman is still at large
the parade is kind of known for this

I guess I made the right choice
in more than one way

omg..............i had not heard about this shooting...........

obviously your choice was wise............
maximorgana - Sep 29, 2024

two lines of barriers would not work out in spain either.............unless a line of police officers were standing along the whole barrier...............

i know people would move the barriers away and do as they felt like.............either taking part in the action or standing and watching respectfully..............
maximorgana - Sep 29, 2024

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