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greenmarket root vegetable...celery root
by neene on March 9, 2025


i am posting this on 3/10
and this is a very difficult moment for me...
i have been sick
and slept away a couple of days...
saturday was one of my oldest friend's bday,
i didn't remember to call her untiil 8pm

yesterday i managed to get out of the house
for a meeting with my brother and some activists he is involved with
who had traveled to NYC to meet with him

today (3/10) i am managing to catch up here
and because i look back to the previous year
i just now realized that yesterday was the 10th anniversary of my mother's death

i am shocked i didn't remember
even more so because chris & i were together
and talking about her

i know this could be seen as a positive sign,
that i have grown past a certain form of grieving
but honestly it feels like the most awful betrayal

it's been a hard week being sick
and having to watch so many things fall through the cracks
but this is really the worst

honestly.......that you were unaware of your dearest mum anniversary but you and c/ were still talking about her is such a positive sign to me.............

you are moving on....just a new phase where she will remain as important and present as before regardless the calendar.............

i hope you are feeling better..........did you get the flu.......?

here there has been a serious flu epidemic at school that i have managed to many teacher have not been so lucky though...........
maximorgana - Mar 10, 2025

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