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obdada's fotola News
ALL iS GooD!!!!!
Friday, July 04, 2008 a 4:15pm
By obdada
aS tHe WorLd iS TurNiNg
i'M taKinG oNe DaY aT a TiMe..
DepreSSioN iS an eVeR PreSeNT DanGeR
BuT tHe SoNLighT keePs aWaY tHe DarKneSS...
i oNLy striVe tO eaT whaT maKeS mE HeaLthY==
No SaLT oR FaT..
aNd a LiMiT oF 2,500 caLorieS a DaY..
a VeRy difficuLT taSk iN iTseLf....
GOD, i LoVe YOU...

ToDaY oN tHe 4th oF JuLy--
I pRaY foR ouR NaTioN aNd aM ThaNkfuL thaT GOD saW fiT tO haVe mE boRn wheN aNd WheRe i waS......
o,K aNd NoW, SWEET PERFECT JESUS, i'M reaDy tO gO (cOMe) hOMe....
Entries from Jul 04, 2008:
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Jul 4, 2008
obdada's fotola