
what is?

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Moments before...
by pixie_dust92 on October 15, 2005
This was taken moments before we added the Mentos to the bottle of Pepsi. Can you feel the excitement building?!!?
©2005 pixie_dust92
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

your face shows quite clearly the excitement !!
ok, i've never tried one of these, does it go up like a rocket ??

...and the background colours are fantastic
serial_mami - Oct 16, 2005

it doesn't go up like a rocket...the bottle stays in place. but the soda basically all comes out of the bottle. when it's over, and most of the soda shoots out, you only have like, an eighth of the soda left in the bottle!
pixie_dust92 - Oct 16, 2005

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