
what is?

Four Corners Squared
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Psycho Bill
by ridingduo on May 17, 2009
Anyone remember the 70's????

back when we had hair
watermark - May 17, 2009

i LoVe thE waY The CoMpuTeR
(wiTh sOMe heLp)
caN simuLaTe L S D...
i haVe FeLT jusT LiKe thiS,
{bacK 'iN thE DaY'}
LORD knoWs
i don'T dO iT aNyMoRe thO
[thanKs 4 the MeMoRieS]

obdada - May 17, 2009

so you think we're not progressive??? they're building a new Price Chopper outside of Warwick on 94 to compete with Shop Rite. Shop Rite stalled it for years, saying the endangered bog turtles lived there. But it's started now, they tore down a revolutionary era farm house (no modern amenities, and why waste the time to move it??), scraped away the topsoil, and away we go! Just what we need, an overstocked store full of useless s#%t right across from another one, so they can compete and drive each other out of business. Consume, consume, it's patriotic, it creates jobs!!! Pay for it with credit, comrade, and if you max out your card you can get government assistance. anyway....sunrise, about 5:30am is a fantastic time to take a spin around the black dirt, just as the sun hits the mist and burns it away
watermark - Jun 06, 2009

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