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serial_me's fotola
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pink beetle
by serial_me on February 21, 2006

neighbourhood # 5

this pretty beetle belongs to an also pretty girl who runs the local video shop;
pink colour for cars is totally unusual here ;
she actually had to run a special permit at the motor-vehicle department and it wasn't easy to get it.
©2004 jkossatz, all rights reserved

neene - Feb 22, 2006

Já vi um fusca igual, na mesma cidade que eu tirei as fotos da antena. Muito legal ver um desses andando pela cidade.
iparada - Feb 22, 2006

obdada - Feb 23, 2006

you really need a permit to paint your car pink?? it is very easy for her to find her car in a crowded parking lot!
watermark - Feb 23, 2006

pois é, joanna, eu adoro esse tom de azul também. me atrai, chama a atenção... sei lá.
eu adorei esse fusca pink também. o único problema é que cada vez que o vejo começo a cantar aquela música do aerosmith... rss.
tudo lindo por aqui....
alp - Mar 01, 2006

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