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SparkyLeigh's Photographs
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~PELE series--1 of 15~
by sparkyleigh on October 10, 2003
On the Big Island of Hawaii there is this small Volcano that has been slowly (usually) erupting molten lava for about 16 years steady.
Over these years the flows have popped up in various locations but all around the South edges of the island. Of course all the Hawaiian Islands were formed at the same location that the following 15 photos were taken. That includes the entire 1, 600 mile archipelago of Hawaiian Islands—all produced on the same spot. From what I understand this happens because the oceanic crust plate has been sliding along steadily for millions of years over a ‘soft hot spot’ that goes deep into the earth and keeps bubbling up from massive molten lava reservoirs forming and re-forming land masses. For instance, the island of Kauai is five million years older than the island of Hawaii but the two islands are only about 4 hundred miles apart—it took that long for Kauai to move away. That islands slopes are very warn down by the elements over time compared with the raw newness of the Big Island. At present, there is the next Hawaiian Island forming just offshore from the current flow named Loihi.

So here is a collection of 15 photos I took on numerous visits to where the earth was forming literally beneath my feet.
Leigh R. Hilbert

Amazing lava captures. Looks like liquid brushed silver.

Regarding the "image upload limit", I thought it was three but obviously you can't count, haha. :) Although, you must be right, it may have something to do with beta.
sunartique - Oct 10, 2003

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