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SparkyLeigh's Photographs
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~PELE series--2 of 15~
by sparkyleigh on October 10, 2003
~ These first ones are of a type of lava called pahoehoe (pronounced Pah-HO-Ay-Ho-Ay). It moves like molasses and bends, twists and rolls its way along until it cools when its source gets interrupted. As soon as it cools it has this amazing silver-gray iridescence.

Hawaiian legend reveres the Fire/Volcano Goddess Pele (Pronounced Pay-Lay). She is an extremely powerful essence for she can both create all new land forms that eventually may become lush with life—or—completely destroy what was created. As you explore the islands of Hawaii you will notice the many offerings made to honor and respect Pele, especially near the Kilauea volcano area where she is mostly doing here handiwork now.
So here is a collection of 15 photos I took on numerous visits to where the earth was forming literally beneath my feet.
Leigh R. Hilbert

Truly amazing!

Hey, regarding my Eyescape image...if you think it's a moonsnail, that's exactly what it is. Art is in the eye of the beholder to be interpreted as you see there!
sunartique - Oct 10, 2003

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