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peach treaty News
Tuesday, June 13, 2006 a 3:08am
By yam
let me tell you what i want want want
-to go hiking in a beautiful green forest
-to eat san jose tofu
-to walk/eat san francisco
-to find a reason to enjoy endless L to the A to the B work
-to put stickers on a cellular telephone. and to have a cellular telephone.
-to wipe my zoo shoes on a filthy rich person's rug

i just kissed pookie's head, and it smelled like acetic acid. it was probably just a moment of clarity in which the corrosion of the inside of my nose by acetic acid became apparent to me. i love moments like this.
wait, no, pookie's head really does intensely smell like acetic acid. oh dear, deery lou. she is so flammable.

congraduation on your gradulation!
after graduation, when can i wear my tassely cap again? i realize the answer is never, but i would like to imagine that it could be used as a sun hat in the garden. if i had a garden. or even a chia pet. you know what to get me for my birthday.
because it's coming up.

P.S. i am always offended by the jazzy psyhiactric ward music that plays when i am on hold with the VA

P.P.S. just kidding. i don't actually want anything...
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Nov 30, 1999
peach treaty