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Double-sided stairs in Iidabachi
by yam on July 17, 2005
from my notebook:
After we checked into the hostel, Jason set us free for like 2 hours to wander around the streets of Iidabashi. Some people wanted to get food, I wanted to take ten thousand pictures of the same thing and look in every store. We ended up passing by every cool store and eventually asked a lady where a cheap and good restaurant was. She walked us to one and it was all meat, so Amanda and I got ¥70 miso and split a bowl of rice. I wasn't hungry because of the 2 big meals on the plane. I accidentally pushed the service button... no, I pushed it on purpose to see what it was, but I... you get it.

P.S. throughout the trip, miso soup kept getting more and more expensive!
wow. jet lag killing brain ima
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