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peach treaty
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by yam on August 14, 2005
from notebook:
After a long train ride we ended up in NARA TO FEED THE DEER!!!! The first deer we saw were in a field of grass eating lettuce out of a cardboard box. Awww! Shashiiin... aww and of course they were also eating the box itself. We walked to a little stand which sold stacks of deer treats for ¥150. The deer were all surrounding and nudging the people who held the food. I pet them a lot, and one licked my arm, awww! We had to keep moving, which was sad because we were only petting the deer for a few minutes. But then there were more deer everywhere! even nicer deer! They were just standing around staring into space or cleaning each other, not trying to get food out of pockets or anything. They were sooo cute and nice. One male deer lowered his head as if to say, "please pet my ears!" so I did. shika ga hoshii. I spent too long of a time petting them so I had to walk a long way before I caught up with the group. Those deer were kind of greasy and some had ticks, but I love them.
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