
what is?

the other side
main image
by animus on April 23, 2005

and then the cycle turns and it is different
i am and i am not who i was 25 years ago

so, i won't continue with the self portrait thing as a daily endeavor
sometimes there is a reflection, a shadow, an image in a mirror
that captures something
that marks a moment in time
but as a way of looking at the world...
day in and day out
it's not going to answer any questions for me

and it's strange,
i never thought of all those reflection images
as self portraits
i saw them as a connecting thread
a way of communicating
a sharing and a giving
in the most intimate way
but never as images of "me"
they were more of a metaphor
more abstract than literal...

i am not sure how they were seen
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

(to mE)
a perSon's reflectioN
Esp.iN/ON a WindoW =where One caN stiLL see through
as opposed to a MirroR where the reFlectioN stopS with the planE of the Image..
In a cleaR glaSS reflection or saY a reflection into a surface other than a 'LooKing GLaSS/dedicateD MiRRoR..
ThiS theSe represEnT yoU BeinG aS In a SitumAwaY
tioN +/oR environMentaL ReaLitY which botH ExPlains aNd haS mOR truTH thaN JUsT a FlaT 2-dimensionaL imaGe....
YoU aRe the BesTesT ArtiStaS..
YoU arE WortH $1,000,000.oo_&_99.999¢
Bill - Apr 24, 2005

It'S funnY =
I'Ve beeN typinG mY namE as="biLL"
AnD the softWare/PrograMme HeRe CapitalizeS the firsT letter and DimunizeS the "LL"tO "ll"
So Much for "TRuTH iN Lending--I MeaN SENDING,,

"mOR" {aboVe}
LuV YoU,HoN..
Bill - Apr 24, 2005

gato_gato - May 01, 2005

i see the lovely portraits
the lovely shadow metaphors ( like this beautiful one in this page )
i see all the giving and sharing
and i supposed this is almost the same feeling shared around here.

loved this picture !
loved the metaphor !
missing you all
joanna - Apr 23, 2006

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