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by animus on July 14, 2005


so i have this great "breath" experience
and consequently am very conscious of reinforcing it in (yoga) class
imagine my delight when i realize that today's class will be focused around a new (to me) form of breathing
imagine my dismay when i realize i basically can't breath
when i find myself gasping for breath after the first 10 minutes
this my friends
was a great lesson in humility...

it doesn't really matter how far you get
(and this is not coming from a negative space)
because there is always so much further to go
(infact this might be the promise of life: growth)
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

ThanKs YoU foR shaRinG,,,
****,,,,a great lesson in humility...

& ThaT <NeeNe>
obdada - Jul 15, 2005

hi , neene
joanna - Jul 15, 2005

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