
what is?

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by animus on September 18, 2005


today i tackled my paint cart;
dealing with the paint itself was not as bad as i expected
even though it included putting away tubes from the beach paintings 2 summers ago.

the palettes are something else
i use plastic "trays" that come from a variety of places;
old dax frames, tops to plastic bins, etc.

even though these are all discarded finds
i scrape them down as if i paid a fortune for them...
this is not easy,
the paint is extremely thick
and if it is completely dry it is very hard
and if it's not it's messy and slippery

but this is a ritual that is part of the cleaning process,
so scrape i must.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

I wish I haD thEm aLL(aS iS) to AttacH tO a LarGe WaLL Forming One GiaNt MuraL...
biLLbinOBdadA - Sep 19, 2005

"so scrape i must."

so do i
luisa - Sep 19, 2005

if they were mine, i would NOT scrape them...neither wash...
i would keep them for good, set them on my walls from floor to ceiling to floor...
start a giant random 'random-thoughts-palette" game...,
keep watching them and feeling delighted...ALL MINE !!
for THE LEAST OF MONEY LASTING FOR AS LONG AS I WISH... and i would probably use some of them as another support for my sudden "paint-seizures" ...
and so ,on and on..
( with this new application for the palettes, you could even help the world with the problem with plastic waste...see? )
wow, these palettes look sooooo nice !!
ok, be engaged with life!! send them to us ( bindada,myself,others on line..)
obBillbinDada and i will share your discarded "rubbish"..
serial_me - Sep 19, 2005

don't scrape!
just keep them the way they turn out to be and go find other ones :)))))))

should show them once, alltogether
messy not!
gato_gato - Oct 06, 2005

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