
what is?

the other side
main image
nyfa: photo
by animus on October 2, 2005

it's been about 20 years since i applied for a grant as a photographer...
what goes around comes around

My work, both as a photographer and a painter tends towards the sequential, I develop my work in series and delight in juxtapositions where ever i find them in the world. In these pairings, I am interested not only in the correlations between the individual images but in the space/energy/tension that is created between them.

This group of images represent a return to film, the first 4 are purely photographic, the second group are the beginnings of a project where I will be pairing photographs and paintings.

©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

ExcepT foR thE reDDisH/(pinK)fEEt:
I don'TCan'T sEE the CorrelatioNal
TruTh heRe
biLLbinOBdadA - Oct 03, 2005

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