
what is?

daily bread
main image
nyfa: painting
by neene on October 2, 2005

reprieve from cleaning the studio: grant application time
(with my cold, i don't think the exposure to such extreme dust was the best thing anyway)

Seen together they create poems, alone they are windows into
another dimension where color makes the rules and play is not just a
four letter word. They are at once about intensity and simplicity:
the intensity of seeing, the simplicity of being.

And these paintings are completely about paint. A romance with
material, a celebration of the hand, small enough to be personal,
solid enough to be held. They embody discovery, pushing and pulling,
taking wrong turns and ending up in right places.
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

YoUr "StaTeMenT"
iS tO my miNd=
biLLbinOBdadA - Oct 03, 2005

also to mine..
joanna - Oct 03, 2005

it is
luisa - Oct 03, 2005

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