
what is?

the other side
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by animus on January 8, 2006

the combination of crying hysterically & too little sleep
produces in me a physical sensation
that is remarkably similar to a hangover

truth be told,
if i have to feel this way the next day,
i greatly prefer it being the result of too much red wine
or a fuckload of aquavit
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

nOW Now
juSt PainT MoRe
LiFe iS gOOd
No CrYinG
oR imbibing
nOT neceSSaRyly sO
i LoVe U!
ObdaDabinDAda - Jan 09, 2006

bruce - Jan 09, 2006

oh neene,
even thou you were feeling bad, your writings make me smile !!

wish it could be just the result of a lot of red wine ..
hug you
serial_me - Jan 09, 2006

babe babe****

count on me
wish we could go "off our heads" together
gato_gato - Jan 10, 2006

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