
what is?

the other side
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welcome to my little piece of heaven...2
by animus on August 7, 2006

4 more bags of dirt & leaves & roots,
one blister,
and about 20 mosquito bites later
(that's with the dreaded bug repellent which i NEVER succumb to)

i know this documentation isn't as sexy as "my own private hell"
but it's what's goin' on

I think this is much as i am going to clear for now
i do know i took out some "real" plants
(i definitely smelled spearmint)
but i uncovered the paths
and freed up some trees from the tangle of vines
(which attract the largest bees and other flying/stinging things i have EVER seen, i don't know how i got away with out being stung by them!!!)

©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
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the SecReT GaRdeN
FuN fuN FUn
obdaDa - Aug 10, 2008

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