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daily bread
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welcome to my little piece of heaven...1
by neene on August 7, 2006

yoga class for the first time in months
more "weeding" today

i tell people what i am doing:
manually clearing the backyard
and everyone
suggests that i get someone to do this grunt work

i understand that response from the guy in the gardening department at home depot
but not from people who know me well.
i am so physical in everything i do,
i prefer my bike to any other form of transportation, regardless of the weather,
i walk stairs instead of using the elevator,
i carry my bags rather than use a "wheelie"
why would i want anyone else to do my weeding for me?

messing around in the dirt,
playing with my worm box,
repotting stuff,
has always grounded me
so i really don't get where that advice is coming from

i was happier (and dirtier) than i've been in a long time
and the garden has opened up a bit
i am hoping to get the water turned on and the locks changed by the weekend
and then i can move in some painting supplies...
i have some sort of vision of me working under the grape arbor

about those mosquitos...
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

bsamp - Sep 25, 2006

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