
what is?

the other side
main image
by animus on September 10, 2006


this is all really hard to relive
it's so hard to experience
the extensive coverage
the endless footage
and the sounds from that day

the whole world felt the impact
but being downtown
unable to get away from the smell
and the sirens
and the pink ash
had its own special horror

this morning i finally made changes to theARTproject that had been requested by various participants
i felt that they needed to be completed before tomorrow

was all this a contributing factor to my blackness today?

©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved


gato_gato - Sep 11, 2006

oN thiS CoasT
iT aLL sEEmeD --liKe a DreaM
buT aNd EvEn sO wE aLL liVe iN a VerY ChanGeD
buT we"re aLL adjus
TinG iN ouR oWn waYs
ThE maiN thinG iS tO staY CreaTiVe
AnD I knoW yoU aRe
(the besT eVeR aT thaT)
bin_dada - Sep 11, 2006

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