
what is?

the other side
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about my dad...2
by animus on November 21, 2006

and all of this came up today in therapy
you see, it is largely my dad's tape that plays in my head

the one about working all the time
yet never being satisfied with what you've accomplished
or how much
it's as if the desire to work can only come from sheer will & extreme discipline
from a sense of having to make good on failure

with no trust that if you enjoy what you do,
you will do it
and with no concept that enjoying what you do is the key
not the doing
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

I musT
agrEE wiTh DaD:
" _ _ _DoING _IS_ thE KeY...."

=___IF___ yoU eNjoY whaT yoU dO;

YoU haVe youR caKe aNd aRe eat iT tOO!
oBdada - Nov 22, 2006

passing through
nice walls
another_life - Nov 22, 2006

bruce - Nov 22, 2006

i know...

discipline is the thread
gato_gato - Nov 30, 2006

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