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about my dad...1
by neene on November 21, 2006

since i moved
i have called on my father
i am not sure if he has answered me

i always felt he was a part of the loft,
it was after all the money i inherited from him
that allowed me to buy it
in some way,
it was his

one day
out of the blue
feeling unmoored in brooklyn
an image of him came to me
and realized that hadn't happened in a really long time

i wanted to know what he thought of my life,
where i have ended up,
how i have ended up
and i asked him

as i said,
i am not sure that he answered me
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

mY commenT wouLd bE:
yoU shouLd bE suRe!
(becauSe iT coMeS frOM LOVe)
OBdada - Nov 22, 2006

room to move
nice light
another_life - Nov 22, 2006

one day, you´ll be sure about it...

and like oBdada´s observation, interesting insight
bsamp - Nov 22, 2006

you have ended up in the hearts of so many
...which is surely where you should be
bruce - Nov 22, 2006

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