
what is?

the other side
main image
by animus on June 13, 2009


part of the challenge of this project,
this putting away
is deciding what i need
and what i don't

you would have thought
with the packing up of the loft
and the unpacking after storage
i would have confronted these decisions
and have things pretty trimmed down by now

but it seems not to be true
it seems that while i did get rid of a lot
i held on to a lot too
but now
it's stopping my life
so when i come across these things
it's about "use it or lose it"
if i can't use these old papers now...
i never will
so it's time to move on

©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

WhY dO i eageRLy anticipaTe coMinG tO yoUR BloG{+ –30yRs}(&theOtheRsiDe\NeeNe=FoToLaS)???
BecauSe yoUR "PredicaMenT" iN aTTiTuDes regaRdinG LiFe;s
ChoiCeS aNd oR DiRecTioNaL MotivaTioNs:
%LiKe hoW tHe PasT FLoWs tO sOMe FuTuRe
(or maYbe,,,' 'WhATeVEr')
ReMiNdS mE (oR ecHoeS o/FoRsHaDoWs=MiRRoRs)
WhaT i'M eXpeRieNciNg iN mY oWn LiFe

ANywaY ThaNkS foR beiNg HeRe aNd ShaRinG sO HoNesTLy
aNd deePly theSe ThoughT ProceSSeSe
([{i remaiN iNspiReD aNd YOUrs(]}
obdada - Jun 14, 2009

it is all true
museu - Jun 14, 2009

it´s so difficult for me to ger rid of matter how useful they might be....................
maximorgana - Jun 15, 2009

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