
what is?

the other side
main image
like a castle in the sand
by animus on June 24, 2022


and just like that
women's right to choice
was swept away

what is next?
gay marriage?
LGBTQ rights?
turning women into felons,
so they can't even vote?

it is disgusting
it is disheartening


it is unbelievable where this world is heading...........

something is next.........that is for sure..............
maximorgana - Jun 26, 2022

r.e. marvellous place...........that house is close to juana's house.........i do not remember if we took you to see it..........most probably we did............but do not worry if you do not remember.......the owner (a former librarian) changes the decoration design and its colours from time to time so, if you saw it, it was completely different actually...........

the other day juana had the idea to take juanjo there for him to take a few pics........i hadn't been there for a long time...........his wife died a few months ago and the design has turned more 'sober' in comparison to what it used to look everything in the front area is covered in pink, green and silver............the garage shutter is more colourful and with a marine aire............the adjacent garden has been 'fenced' with massive pieces of green fabric...........all the place is so surrealistic...........

i have a whole bunch of pictures to be posted from today on............

i know you will enjoy them a lot..............
maximorgana - Jun 27, 2022

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