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csnydér's fotola
main image
Central Park, Night
by csnyder on December 5, 2003
I walked home through Central Park the other night (well, evening really, it's not safe at night, right?) and became enchanted by the nearly empty but very well-lit landscape. It's haunting, I think.

My city photos generally don't have people in them. But an empty bench at night... that's lonliness.
©2003 csnyder
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

When I tried to remote load some of the shots from my account into an LJ account (using the img tag, not as the regular uploading an image) for some of the people some of the time on some of the images they came out thumb size, instead of full size. Is there a reason for this, or did I somehow do this wrong, or do we just have occasionally spastic computers?

And the photo is beautiful. I love the quiet of it, and the only slight colouring.

deliriumcrow - Dec 14, 2003

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