
what is?

flora_b's fotola
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by flora_b on April 17, 2006
copy:2003 flora_b, all rights reserved

NaTiVe tO SoutH AfRiCa
I thinK

WondeRfuL PiC
they groW verY ProlifiC heRe iN sO. CaLif. U.s.oF A. esp. SaNdiegO
i thinK 5 out oF teN houses haVe theM and HalF oF PubliC PlantingS iNcluDe theMaS grounD coVeR oR HedgeS.....
obdada - Apr 17, 2006

Beautiful! Named by Louis Antoine de Bougainville, who spent time in northern New York and Canada, serving as aide-de-camp to the Marquis de Montcalm in the French and Indian War
watermark - Apr 18, 2006

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