
what is?

daily bread
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by neene on April 4, 2004

it is painful to find how much, how many places, look different to me now. it is a shock to find that things which once had a certain association, now have another. there was so little that i kept for myself, there was so much that i shared.

it's 7pm and it's still light, what a gift. we are back on daylight's saving time, my clock in the studio is right for the first time in 5 months, when will anything else be right again?
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

the light is so right
l - Apr 05, 2004

crazy reflection.
jdos - Apr 07, 2004

so good if life could be set as studios' clocks
serial_mami - May 18, 2005

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