
what is?

daily bread
main image
sail boat pond
by neene on April 20, 2005


so, i've started to write about this a number of times,
both here and on animus,
but now it's just too in my face to ignore:
the synchronicities that happen between my posts each day AND 1 year ago.

i walked by this tree today
and i remembered this image
and i was going to shoot it
and I didn't
and that violates my #1 art rule:
"if it comes in to your head you have to do it"

everyone needs a little wake-up call now and then.

and this is sail boat lake,
where i spent so much time as a child
(the alice in wonderland statue is at the north end.)
now all the boatsare motorized
and now the boat owners are all girls

(well, maybe not all, but a lot)
and that's NOT how it was back then;
my younger brother had the boat,
not me
and it wasn't remote control...
you stuck it in the water and the wind took it
and you ran around the "pond" to retrieve it when it got close enough to an edge
the old guys had big yachts & schooners
and long poles with hooks to pull them in
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

I spent a lot of time there last spring because it was so close to my apt. i'm sure i'll end up there again soon.
ipris - Apr 21, 2005

I 'LL musT haVe to SaY iT agaIN,,
ThanK YoU for PostinG sucHHow cAn I saY thiS
IntimatE thoughts:: It is LikE I fEEL a ConnectioN
with whattever YoU saY because it is sO ReaL and UnpretentIOUs...
{We Must be the Same Age or at Least GeneratioN :
Because The PicS you Post and commentS Hit Me in the HearT as Well as IntellectuallY and Even though I'Ve never lived anY where thaN So.CaL. I see the BeautY iN
LifE anD the odditieS=or seemingly "triviaL"itieS of SaMe the SaMe as YoU....
Bill - Apr 21, 2005

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