GooD ExaMple oF YoUr MulTi-
{heRe/thIS i.e.,,,,,
YouR taKinG oF 3-D >>anD bY YouR UniQUe GeniuS>>
TurninG iT intO 2-D or acTuaLLy BeinG thaT
--The CamerA takes the View and turns iT into one Plane= the angles of the waLLs aNd the inTerSecting Corners jusT appeaR to be Blocks of tonaL colorS=
DraWinG thiS waS the firsT acT oF GeniuS;
PhotograPHinTG iT thE 2nD..
AnD the THiRD, FourtH,anD FifTH, Being yoUr CommentS whiCh SometimeS I aS a StrangeR and soJourneR iN yoUr ReaLitY Don'T UnderstaNd & can'NoT relate tO Because theY aRe directeD aT sOMeoNe whO I KNoW NOT..
Oh WeLL I LovE yoU mORe todaY aFter "ExperienCinG thiS One Far ouT CraZy vieW oF yoU CreatiVitY==WhicH I knoW YoU take foR GraNteD.
AnD iS jusT paR for the CoursE iN yoUr "ArtY/artsY
TotaL aRTiksticaLLy LifE-stYLE.. & enVironMeNt=enough>>iloVeYoU!