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daily bread
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by neene on January 6, 2007

and today is worse than yesterday
i feel so sick that i don't even want to get out of bed
and then i realize i have a meeting at 11
it's in the 'hood
and for some reason i go...

i am not sure that i ever realized just how animated i am when i speak
unfortunately, the vertigo makes me painfully aware of it
everytime i move my head, in any direction
(which is often)
i want to throw up

between not being able to concentrate
trying to restrict my natural body language,
i am not sure i am making any sense
but ultimately i am glad that i went
it's a good way to return home
©2004-16 nina meledandri
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we're born and so it starts
gato_gato - Jan 16, 2007

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