
what is?

daily bread
main image
by neene on July 3, 2008


i started putting up things that are symbolic of my process

the painting on the left is that hard, awful thing in my throat that chokes me,

i have at times tried to
make friends with it,
ask it what it wants,
tear it out,
paint it,
dissolve it,
accept it...

sometimes it goes away for a while
when it returns,
it is always with a vengeance

i've come to see it as the very, very angry part of me.

on the right is a painting i did for my yoga studio,
it was on loan there for about a year
and in exchange i got a 100 class card
this was when i was doing bikram.

so there it is
my past in the present
2 sides of myself
a little still life metaphor
for where i am at
©2004-16 nina meledandri
This work is subject to this license.
some rights reserved

it really is
you really are

museu - Jul 05, 2008

IT iS harD foR mE tO eXpreSS whaT a LarGe ParT yoU PLay iN mY perSonaL zeN--sOMehOW thaT souNDs REdundaNT
weLL, U dOooooo,
aNd i LOvE iT...
YoUuu, deaRrrr NeeNe, aRe===
(thiS siTe heRe) iS===
The waLLs oF tHe tuNNeL wHiCH i'M TRaveliNG thrOUgh to GeT tO
THE LIGHT aT thE eNd oF (iT).....
ThiS PiC oF theSe Pics strucK a chorD iN mY SouL,,,
obdada - Jul 05, 2008

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