
what is?

daily bread
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by neene on August 12, 2022


after 3+ years
i am back in the paper studio again
if only for 3 days

i am taking a workshop
on making hanji & washi
(korean & japanese paper)

we are starting with making the kojo pulp
which requires beating the fiber
with an assortment of tools:
could be a sort of heavy paddle or wooden dowels
or meat tenderizers...
it's hard work

tomorrow we will finish beating
and start forming paper

washi <3
bsamp - Aug 13, 2022

When I was a boy scout, I learned how to make manual book bindings and also some techniques for making recycled paper. The ones I made with onion peels were very good. Now that I am thinking, it looks like it was in another life.
bsamp - Aug 13, 2022

rough work............

i cannot believe three years have passed by since you started in the paper feels like yesterday...........
maximorgana - Aug 18, 2022

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